The secret to the perfect NONA Serve: Choosing the right tonic
There’s nothing quite like the refreshing, balanced taste of a perfectly served NONA. But what’s the secret ingredient to making this alcohol-free drink truly shine? It’s all about choosing the right tonic.
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Why NONA Ginger is the ultimate Ginger drink for health and flavor
If you love ginger and crave a sophisticated, health-focused drink, NONA Ginger is your perfect match. As the first alcohol-free spirit based on ginger, NONA Ginger combines the boldness of this superfood with a refreshing medley of 12 distilled botanicals, including yuzu, verbena, and turmeric. Here’s why it’s not just delicious but also packed with benefits.
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Why do we use ice in 0% cocktails?
Ice is more than just a way to keep your drink cold; it’s an essential part of making great alcoholfree cocktails. Whether you’re enjoying a NONA June, NONA Spritz, or NONA Ginger, ice plays an important role. Here’s why:
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5 reasons why less alcohol is good for you
Cutting back on alcohol is becoming more popular, whether for Dry January, health goals, or simply making mindful choices. At NONA, we’re here to make that easier with our alcohol-free spirits: NONA June, NONA Spritz, and NONA Ginger. Wondering why drinking less is a great idea? Here are five reasons to give it a try.
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How to make the perfect alcohol free cocktails for the holiday season?
The holiday season is a magical time filled with love and indulgence. This year, let’s take it up a notch by serving sophisticated alcohol-free cocktails that can be enjoyed by everyone. Whether you’re hosting family or friends, NONA, created by Charlotte, promise to elevate your holiday experience with their complex, botanical flavors.
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December is the month of celebration par excellence, but partying by no means always has to go hand in hand with alcohol. As a child, Charlotte Matthys picked herbs in the fields of the Bourgoyen, a nature reserve near Ghent. That early interest in nature laid the foundation for her business. With NONA Drinks, she is the market leader in non-alcoholic aperitifs in Belgium.
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NONA June receives 9/10 in blind tasting
NONA June, our non-alcoholic alternative for gin, received 9/10 in a blind tasting. Sommelier Deborah Hellburg from the Michelin starred restaurant Sensum in Belgium tested 12 non-alcoholic gins and crowned NONA June as the winner.
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New to the NONA Family: NONA Ginger
After a focus of 5 years on NONA June & NONA Spritz, I am excited and grateful to share our new cocktail experience without compromising to the world: Meet NONA Ginger. The first ginger-based non-alcoholic spirit.
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Gold medal for NONA Spritz
We're so happy to announce that NONA Spritz has been awarded "the best non-alcoholic drink" in the Bartenders' Brand Awards, for the second year!
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8/10 for NONA Ginger
We're so happy with the first month of our new non-alcoholic cocktail experience & with all the positive feedback about the taste profile.Receiving 8/10 during a blind tasting from @Nieuwsblad is a great achievement! continue reading
De perfect serve van NONA Drinks
Afgewerkt met een cirkel gelijkgestemden als steunpilaren doorheen je avontuur. NONA Drinks is een verhaal van durf, experimenteren en vooral heel veel smaak.
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NONA in Libelle Lekker.
"Voor een distillaat zonder alcohol heb je veel meer kruiden nodig om dezelfde intensiteit te krijgen”.
Charlotte Matthys (26) studeerde af als bio-ingenieur aan de Universiteit van Gent en begon het jaar daarna te experimenteren met een alcoholvrije, gedistilleerde kruidendrank.
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Best of 2020 - NONA June: 9/10
NONA June werd uitgeroepen als winnaar in de categorie niet-alcoholische spirits 2020 door Het Nieuwsblad.
Lees de volledige recensie hier!
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Klink op een speciale Kerst met NONA
Het worden speciale feestdagen dit jaar, zoveel is zeker. Of je nu in een beperkte bubbel viert, vanop afstand of met je gezin, één ding is zeker : we vieren het toch! Maak de feestdagen dit jaar nóg specialer met NONA June
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Hét perfecte relatiegeschenk voor jouw werknemers!
Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat waardering en appreciatie op de werkvloer voor wonderen kan zorgen bij jouw personeel. Een complimentje krijgen is altijd leuk, maar wat nóg leuker is, is een origineel relatiegeschenkje. Iedereen krijgt graag wel eens een cadeautje rond Kerst, Nieuwjaar, Secretaressedag, een personeelsfeest of om simpelweg te vieren dat je op maandag uit je bed bent geraakt. Soms is er zelfs geen speciale reden nodig en wil je jouw werknemers of collega’s eens goed in de bloemetjes zetten. Gewoon, omdat het kan.
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Eén maand zonder alcohol met NONA June
Tournée Minérale met NONA June
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NONA June - Het Nieuwsblad - 19/12/2019
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Why I created NONA June
From making tea with herbs I found in the fields around me, to experimenting with distillates and botanicals. Discover how I got inspired to create one of the first non-alcoholic spirits in the world.
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Get inspired by Served by Soberon
Our friend Matthias from ServedbySoberon created fun and delicious cocktails for you to try. Discover inspiration and fresh ideas from this cocktail and spirits specialist.
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Waarom NONA June het ideale kerstcadeau is
5 redenen waarom NONA June het ideale kerstcadeau is
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NONA June "Een perfecte allrounder"
NONA June getest door Bert vanden Berghe en Philippe Verhaest
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